Wednesday, 27 December 2017

The Cusp of The New Year

The Goddess Elena has been coasting thru this year. I have sat back and observed, been lazy as a Mere Mortal, and came into some realizations as I did so.

The Goddess reign in this Mortal realm is in danger of collapse- or it has been. During my year of observation, I've learned that if you are complacent about your life and beliefs and way of living- you begin to assimilate into the  human race.
And I say this with all seriousness- it will be the end of the Goddess if I allow this to go on any longer.

I realize I must now make a conscious effort to remain true to my beginnings, to my true self, no more masquerading as one of the mortals to learn. I have learned far more than I needed to and it has almost ended up destroying my inner being, my true self, my destiny as a True Goddess.

I must back away from the trappings of the mortals, I must return myself to the ethereal being I was destined to be. I will deny myself the demons who disguise themselves as  sweet indulgences- but are in truth the poison of my body and soul. I will hold my head high and deny myself these demons who tempt me. I will regain my heavenly body and temperament, shunning the temptations of Mortality- for those temptations of Mortality bring with them death and destruction.
I will do so no more. I will only accept the best that this life has to offer, I will not settle for anything ever again. Things will become exactly as I want them- or they will remain forever silent. I will not settle. I am a Goddess- destined to become stronger- to achieve anything and everything I wish to do and be. I may have lost sight of that while observing, but I have come to my senses.
It shall be no more.

Elena has returned and she is not waiting for the first day of the next year as is the tradition of the Mortals.
The time is now... Today.... The moment you make that decision. Not the next day- or the next week.
NOW. This Moment.And so it returns to the way it was meant to be.

So Let It Be Written- So Let It Be Done.