Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Dating After You're Married.

It seems to me that the past few weeks almost every female I know has been talking about date nights.

And they all have different ideas about what  the perfect date night is.

One Goddess I know is planning on reconstructing her and her MM's very first date. That's just lovely. Drinks at the pub......then whisking themselves off to the restaurant they went to afterwards. If I remember correctly he took her to his office afterwards and uploaded some ram while he showed her where he ran his business. (I hope I'm not betraying a confidence but she did write about it on her blog so fair play(I hope)...)

Then there is another young lady who is making up date night KITS. 12 of them- one for each month of the year- for her and her boyfriend to use. She is putting all kinds of thought and time into those things. They are a long term couple and I certainly hope some day he pops the question to her.

Then there are couples like me and 3M. We don't really call it a date night- but we have our rituals and I love them. Every weekend...Let's start with Saturdays, I sleep in. 8:30AM is about 3 and a half hours longer than I sleep during the weekdays. Then I get up and tidy the house. Do some laundry, dust, wipe the counters down, ...everything but hoover- which I do when he gets up around 11 or noon while he's getting dressed.

Then we usually go for a drive to his hometown some 40 miles or so away. We park the car, then walk into town and have a browse. There's usually a festival or carnival of some sort going on in the town square and we sometimes take our cameras with us to do some street photography. If we haven't brought our good gear- we will take photos on our phones. Or sometimes we just enjoy it without the fuss of worrying about lighting or angles or subjects. There's usually some street musicians or performers, too. I like most of them.....a couple of them, not so much. And as we're walking along, 3M always reaches over and slips my hand into his.
It's always fun to see what's afoot on the weekends tho. I think my personal favorite is the Fall Festival......all sorts of foods- and crafts, and just loads of colourful characters.
I digress....
After a while walking around- we have lunch. Sometimes it's at one of the lovely Pubs.....sometimes it's at our favorite street vendor(Massive sausage dogs in the WORLD), sometimes  it's McD's or BK or Subway.....and sometimes it's at the more upscale Chinese Buffet or the Italian place...or our favourite cafe.

After that- we stop by his parents for a short visit- the we stop to get our weekly food shop done and then we head home.

He plays a game for an hour or so while I put away the groceries and finish whatever things I need to finish up...then we sit down to watch Dr Who together. After that- we sometimes watch a movie- sometimes we play games on our computers or sometimes we read and as before- we hold hands off and on. I'll make him tea.....he makes me coffee.

Our Sundays consist of a lot of just being together time. Sometimes we have a movie marathon...sometimes we just read and snuggle...... & instead of a roast dinner, my sweet 3M suggested that instead of me spending hours in the kitchen doing a Sunday Roast- we do a Sunday Steak Dinner. We buy a couple of nice thick, juicy steaks on Saturdays, have some kind of potato and gravy with it along with Dinner rolls or croissants on Sundays.  Add a cuppa and some sweet treat later on that night while we're watching a movie together- again- and I'd pretty much call that a Date WEEKEND.

Sometimes we do go for walks to the park...or into town....or by the river-or out for a night at the pub with a few friends- for a change. But it's a regular thing. We take care of each other- and regardless of whether or not we have sex every night, it's all very special and intimate to us.

I look at it like this- you know your relationship. You know what turns you on- and what makes things special for you and your you do whatever it is you need to do to keep things precious between you.
That's what love is.

1 comment:

  1. Oooooo don't you worry. ;-) I like you analogy because that's what he did :-D I agree. I think it's important to keep it fresh with hour man but the most important things are the little moments. The little touches, the little kisses, the little moments. That's what we need to keep hold of

    Keep your chin and standards high and your heels even higher, dear goddess

    Lots of love

    The Fabulous Betty Rage xxxxx
