Wednesday, 16 January 2019

Pretty Little Liars

So here's a question for us....

Do we REALLY want to hear the absolute truth all the time? or are we satisfied with a pretty little lie so no one's feelings get hurt?

When I'm making my own money- I can say- oh I paid 50£ for that outfit- it was on sale. It might have cost a bit more- but I rarely buy myself anything that actually ISN'T on sale, so I feel justified because I have spent less than my budget for previous months. Hubby doesn't really care as long as it's not over my spending allowance for the month- and he spends WAYYYY more than I do every month on his "toys" and "gadgets". Even Stephen.

When I ask a friend for her opinion on my outfit, I- personally- want the 100% honest truth- but does everyone feel that way? I dont think so. I am my own harshest critic, I look at something and think OMG- I see my jelly roll- it looks horrible. I dont want to go out in public looking like I dont know how to dress myself- Tell me I look like a sausage stuffed in the outfit so I can take it off and choose something more appropriate for the occasion- and my weight/shape.
I have a couple of my tribe that feel the same way as I do- be honest- brutally so- but most of them will prefer to have me be the Pretty Little Liar and say- Oh that looks lovely on you. And I feel bad telling them pretty little lies- but to tell them the truth would send them running into their rooms to avoid contact with the public- and probably to block me as their friend/contact on social medias. They are too fragile to handle the truth and so they prefer the PLLs, so that's what I give them.

How many times do we agree with the Boss when he/she comes up with what they think is a brilliant new innovative idea instead of voicing our real opinions or concerns? Partly because we dont want to hurt their feelings and partly because we NEED our job and would like to keep a roof over our head and food in our tummies..... So we tell them the PLL and say That sounds like a great idea- let's discuss it at the meeting, shall we?... hoping against hope someone other than us has the guts and the pull to weather the shitstorm you know is bound to come about if they do stand up to the Really Stupid Innovative Idea.

How about when someone makes something at the office and you claim it's not on your eating plan because you know for a fact they are one of the people who has went in the loo- did their business and walked out without washing their hands after.... on multiple occasions.  PPLs are all around us and we dont even care anymore. We use them every day- sometimes many times a day depending on our jobs and who we come into contact with.

I dont know how we expect to get into Heaven that way. But be honest with me.

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