Thursday, 27 March 2014

Feeling Not so Goddess Like....

Yeas, indeed.
Today has been a trial of epic proportions.

It started more than a few nights ago- I've been woken up feeling like someone is sitting on my chest and I wake up quite literally feeling like my head is about to explode from lack of oxygen. I've had a nagging headache since the first time- around a week and a half. I've been advised that it's a visitor from another realm and I need to tell it to go away that I need to rest. Well, I did that . It worked the first night but it was back again last night. I'm at a loss.

Well, that coupled with it's past due time for Aunty Flo's monthly visit- I'm getting all the symptoms except the red tide.

Plus-some of the mere mortals in this world are just too stupid for words some times. Now, I have a sister-friend who may get a bit upset at this post- but I have to have my say. I don't mean to blame her in any way or take anything away from her happiness- that is NOT my intention with this post.

 That being said, here goes....

Some mere mortals just dont GET it.
They blow hot and cold from day to day- sometimes from hour to hour. And they have the balls to call us Goddesses undecisive????
What the everlast Hell is wrong with them? You can't just act all" I really like you and think you're hot" and be up in our tits one day and then completely freeze a Goddess out the next day. Screw that.  If you fucking like a person- you like them. You don't blow hot and cold like that. You woo a Goddess- you try and seduce her with your charms. You must prove your worth to be with a Goddess- just as she must prove her worth AS a Goddess.
 Peter Parkers Uncle said it best-

With Great Power- comes Great Responsibility.

Now, another thing that's been bothering me is this little matter of gift-giving. Now I know that peeps are allowed to have friends of the opposite sex. But there are three things you shouldn't be doing if you are married.
1) You shouldn't be giving opposite sex friends gifts unless it's their birthday or Christmas.
2) You shouldn't be going out ALONE with opposite sex friends.
and obviously 3) You shouldnt be kissing or having sex with them.
Neither is sitting in laps allowed or rubbing on parts of the body other than friendly pats. Stroking body parts is NOT allowed. You shouldn't be discussing your -or THEIR- sex life with each other. That's a betrayal of the worst kind. Talk about it with your same sex friends- but not the opposite sex friends.
Now some may say it doesn't matter what sex a person is to hang together. Fair enough- but why tempt fate? It gives the wrong impression and can lead to things getting out of hand.
I'm lucky that where ever my man is invited- I am too. But that's not always the case. I'm just happy I have a man who I can trust and who tells me and shows me he loves me every single day.  Don't get me wrong- he's not perfect and we have some almighty rows sometimes, but we work it out- and that makes him perfect for ME.

Now the other thing that's driving me around the bend is  my work. Yes- it's a paycheck. a decent one at that. More than I was making in the states for sure, but the work is sooooooooo boring. and Tedious....
And I detest it. I've tried to like it, but it just isn't working for me. I LOATHE going into work every day. If it weren't for a few select people there I would go absolutely bat-shit crazy and run screaming and tearing my hair from the roots as I ran down the road naked.

That would teach them.

Fuck me, but I don't know HOW much longer I can hold out there. I'm praying I can find a job making as much money somewhere before I go postal.

And I hope this awful phase of my Goddess Life passes soon because I am NOT feeling very charitable or likeable at the moment.
I feel downright wrathful and vengeful to be honest.....and nothing is uglier than a vengeful Goddess.

Be Warned.

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