Thursday, 20 March 2014

The Opposite Side of the Coin

As a Goddess, you have fabulous days.........

But then, occasionally, you have the opposite side of the coin.

Last night was one of those for me.

My man and I were sitting after having a lovely meal together. He was on his laptop and I was bored. Nothing on workout was complete.... and I was feeling pretty good. So I decided to have a bit of fun.

I looked over at him, and when I caught his attention, I smiled a mischevious smile, and gave my head a little toss and rolled my eyes over towards the's my little code for I'm in the mood with out having to actually say it out loud.
He looked at me and half grinned and went back to his laptop.

So I did it again.

And he said "NO. I'm don't want to." And he sounded pretty exasperated.
Now usually, I would be a bit disappointed and wait til the next day. But, it's been over a week and it's right before my Cycle, so I'm REALLY hormonal- and Horney, more to the point.
So I tried again.

 And this time when he said no- I said  "Please....." Oh, come on sweetie, just give in and I'll leave you alone for a few days."
I could say this in utter honesty because I know TOTM is coming and I won't really feel like it with tummy cramps and everything messy going on.....
And he said" No- and you won't, cause last time I gave in you gave me the code look every 15 minutes for the next two days.".....and went back his laptop.

I was stunned....speechless.
And I went I went to the bathroom and just SOBBED. I was absolutely heartbroken. It hurt so much to hear him say it that way. Like me loving my husband and wanting to make love with him was a BAD thing...or an INCONVENIENCE.
I know I shouldn't liken it to anything from a past relationship because he is nothing LIKE any man I've been in a relationship with before, but there was a certain Valentines Day Incident in the past with a certain other person that last nights comment just brought back....and that's something I NEVER EVER thought would happen.

I never thought my man would ever make me feel that ....well, .........undesirable.
I know it's probably not how he meant for it to sound... But it did....and it REALLY hurts.

 Well, Goddesses have their limits too. So, out of his mouth- into Gods Ear. Or as Picard would say...Make it So.

When he wants loving-when he feels like it- he will now be the one to instigate it.
Goddesses do not BEG.

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