Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Little Red Corvette.....

Today I acted and FELT like a true Goddess again. I was in work and had worn a bit of a risky outfit. I needed  a bit of a pick me up- so instead of wearing my usual office wear- I put on my new black yoga pants,(already a bit loose on me and I haven't had them but a month and this was the FIRST time I had worn them!!!) and paired them with black leather knee boots with criss-crossing straps and buckles, a sleeveless drape neck coral top and a  long, water-fall, black cardigan.

Put on my rum raisin red lipstick over the ruby red lipstick, mascara and a bit of powder- and walked into the office with my head up, stomach in, and boobs in power mode.

Maybe it wasn't the most sophisticated outfit to wear- but it defo made me FEEL like a million bucks!!!

I really only have one actual GF at work. And THAT little lady can ROCK an outfit!! She's only 5'4, I think she said- but she wears hawt stilettos almost without fail! Her calf muscles are AWESOME and would put Olympians to shame!

She has a Goddess Attitude. Wait- let me clarify that......she OUTWARDLY has a Goddess Attitude. I think inside- maybe she isn't so sure she's truly the Goddess she is. But her True Goddess Confidence will be firmly in place VERY soon.

Right now- she's a Little Red Corvette...but when she gains that TRUE Goddess Confidence- she will be a Sleek Fiery Red Ferrari!!!!

I have no problems in that area. I know I am Goddess. It's become a way of life for me. I did lose sight of her for a couple years when I first moved to this country. Everything was strange and new- I didnt know how to dress- what to say...half the time I didnt understand a quarter of the things coming out of these peoples mouths.......but a few months ago- I sat myself down and thought about how much I missed BEING a Goddess- having the confidence to do whatever I wanted and not caring a whit what anyone else thought about me. I wanted to BE that Goddess again....and so I became her again.

I still have a couple of things to work on before I can strut as a Goddess and reclaim the title to the fullest- but I'm back ....to stay.

Stay Tuned- it will happen for both me and my Little Red Corvette.


  1. It sounds like you were rocking that ensemble!!! Boots are always so sexy and a lot of men have boot fetishes....sexy!!!

    Your Little Red Corvette sounds like she's the luckiest girl alive to have a great (and an amazingly dressed) teacher/friend like you.

    It sounds like you both will get into a lot of trouble and have a lot of great times.

    You're fabulous!!!


    Betty Rage xxxx

  2. OMG!!!! Betty RAGE!!!!! I read your Blog!!! You're the Carrie Bradshaw of Manchester!!!!!
    Thank you for commenting!!!!!
    One Happy Goddess here today!!!! xxx
